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Webinars of The Computer Training Center «Specialist» are recognized as the best contribution to science!

Webinars of Center «Specialist» recognized as the best contribution to science!
Webinars of Center «Specialist» recognized as the best contribution to science!

Webinars of The Computer Training Center «Specialist» under its own unique technology inClass ® are thirdly recognized as the best not only abroad but also in Russia!

We won the victory in the third Russian annual contest "The Press Service of the Year" in the category "Contribution to Science". Nearly 100 applications for participation were sent from private and public companies from 34 cities of Russia, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, as well as from Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The solemn ceremony was held on March 16, 2011 in Moscow, where the Center of the "Specialist" was awarded the 1st place and memorable prize.

Daniel Y. Dintsis, head of distance learning sector of
Daniel Y. Dintsis,
head of distance learning sector of "Specialist"

"Our webinars rapidly gain the popularity and are widely used not only in Russia but also abroad — said , head of of "Specialist". — Thanks to our technology inClass our listeners from all around the world can study from any convenient place, sensing the effect of the presence in the classroom with real teachers, participating in real time discussions at the time of actual training and getting the maximum of knowledge that is available to students of full-time mode . Particularly pleased that our has been evaluated as a really valuable contribution to science and development ".

"Education in the mode of the webinar was launched by the Centre “Specialist” about 2 years ago — says Dmitry Gudzenko, director of the Center Specialist. — At that time Russian students knew little about the webinars, which are already widely used in the West. We offered own unique approach to learning, taking the best of full-time and distance learning. Just for 2 years Center “Specialist” has introduced and promoted a fundamentally new format of distance learning — webinars under a . In a relatively short period of time we have not only caused high-demand on Webinars, but also recognition of our webinars on the international level. We were awarded the International Prize Lern-2010, our webinars won 1st prize in SAAS-learning in the competition “Enter the Cloud”. And now, webinars of "Specialist" received all-Russian recognition by winning the contest “The Press Service of the Year 2010”.

We provide an opportunity for all, without exception, to receive qualified education from leading teachers of the Centre with maximum comfort. Now you can become a real certified specialist without leaving home!

Visit our courses and study under  the latest technologies in the mode of the webinar, which was approved by both foreign and Russian experts!



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