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Webinars of The Computer Training Center «Specialist» won the contest «Enter the Cloud» in nomination SAAS-training!

Webinars in Center «Specialist» — the world best way of distance learning!
Webinars in Center «Specialist» — the world best way of distance learning!

Taking premier place and getting Level 1-prize in the nomination SAAS-learning in the contest “Enter the Cloud”, The Computer Training Center "Specialist" has once again proved that webinars under patented process “in class” — the world best way of distance learning.

IAMCP Russia jointly with Microsoft Russia have launched the contest  «Enter the Cloud» for the software developers and providers of SaaS and cloud services. The project aims to bring new ideas and support for companies, both young and proven themselves in the market, to promote their products and services in Russia and Europe.

Our proves that The Computer Training Center «Specialist» — is a leader in the field of SaaS-learning. We are the leading training center in Russia in the field of computer technologies and management – for more than two years developing a new line of training – webinars under our “in class”. The center realized the model of the training, when the listeners are connected to full-time group directly at the time of the lesson. During this session, participants of the webinar have access to all services: presentation and demonstration, voice contact with the teacher, the audience in the classroom and other participants of the webinar, execution of laboratory and practical exercises with the group.

Konstantin Viktorovich Tyurin, Development Manager
Konstantin Viktorovich Tyurin,
Development Manager

For the first time in Russia, Center "Specialist" at Bauman Moscow State Technical University held a free seminar, ">", which took place not only in full-time mode but was also broadcasted through the SaaS-model webinar. We are also the first who introduced the courses ">" and ">" through a model SaaS.

"Technically it is very difficult to organize a regular learning within webinar mode for the courses where it is needed to work with data tables, to perform multitude of simultaneous actions, carry out the installation of the system, multiple-reboot, install drivers and other integral processes for both courses — notes Development Manager . — But we have organized the process of distance learning so that you feel as though you are in the classroom, doing all the same steps as the full-time students”.


Microsoft Partner Gold Learning has passed in the mode of friendly dialogue between the participants and the instructor of the Center "Specialist" — , the holder of the status of Microsoft certified trainer (), as well as many others (, , , ). As a professional educator, he shared with the audience real examples from his own practice of programming in the Windows Azure platform using .




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