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LERN Award 2010: webinars of The Computer Training Center «Specialist» became the best innovations in education!

Center «Specialist» received the highest LERN award!
Center «Specialist»
received the highest LERN award!

2011 LERN International AwardThe Computer Training Center «Specialist» at the Bauman University received the highest LERN award for the outstanding achievements in the development of innovations in the field of education. The patented technology of webinars — "InClass" — aroused keen interest of Western educational centers and received fair first place in the nomination "Innovations in Education". Webinars of Center "Specialist" became the best in the world!

The Computer Training Center «Specialist» — the leading training center in Russia in the field of computer technologies and management – for more than two years developing a new line of training — webinars under its own unique technology “in class”. The center realized the model of the training, when the listeners are connected to full-time group directly at the time of the lesson. During this session, participants of the webinar have access to all services: presentation and demonstration, voice contact with the teacher, the audience in the classroom and other participants of the webinar, execution of laboratory and practical exercises with the group.

"Applications submitted for the contest — a demonstration of the best developments and achievements in the field of lifelong learning — says the president of the International Association of LERN William Dreyvs. — It is particularly pleasant that the nomination "Innovation in Education" has won Russia's largest training center — The Computer Training Center «Specialist». Our experts were amazed by an unusual approach: webinars are combined with conventional full-time classes. This is really a progressive approach, which allows listeners to receive excellent knowledge and practical skills, and for training center — to increase sales".

Training in the mode of the webinar gives to listeners the opportunity to learn from the best trainers, certified by leading vendors and independent associations: Microsoft, Autodesk, Adobe, Corel, KasperskyLab, Symantec, EXIN, PMI, etc. Education in the mode of the webinar is much cheaper than full-time (35%), which is especially important for the regions. Upon the completion of the course, students receive record of training and at any time they can repeat what they`ve learned.

Head of Distance Learning sector of Center "Specialist" Daniel Dintsis emphasizes that webinars increase cost-effectiveness of training on 30% due to higher completeness of the groups. "Just for one year of providing the service we attracted 1000 customers from all parts of the world who have been trained on network technologies CISCO, Microsoft, programming, computer graphics, Adobe, Corel; programming and databases, Microsoft, Oracle, MySQL, Visual Studio, Java, web-programming and website building, project management (PMI) and IT-services. Less than 1 year, revenue from services in e-Learning Center has grown to more than 2 times ", — said Daniel Dintsis.

lernJulie Coates, vice president on LERN information services, points out the highest level of the applications: "In 2010 there were more winners than ever. When choosing the winners LERN paid particular attention to the following criteria: originality, innovation, appropriateness and adaptability as a model for other programs, replicability, and measurable results. Center "Specialist" was chosen as the best of the 80 nominees from the four countries. Since webinars InClass — are really innovative and economically viable business project in the field of education".

Training Center "Specialist" wins the LERN Awards for the second time (in 2008 the Center received the award for the best website of Training Center), which indicates the international recognition of the highest quality of training in the Center "Specialist".



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